Top coat is one of the key ingredients in a perfect manicure. I'd like to share with you three that I have recently come to love.

Seche Vite Fast Dry Top Coat.
This was the first top coat I truly fell in love with. This top coat is thick and applies evenly. It has a very glossy finish and is super popular in nail salons.
I don't experience a ton of chipping with this, mostly tip wear, but some is expected as there isn't really anything that's going to stop it. It dries fast, but not exceptionally so.
The thing I hate most about this top coat is, it got very, very gooey after only using half a bottle. I do my nails approximately twice a week, so that's no good. So I moved on.

Out the Door Fast Dry Top Coat is another one that is highly regarded by nail techs.
I moved on to this product after I threw away my gooey bottle of Seche Vite. However, I was skeptical.
I love it, it's not thick like Seche Vite but it works very well. Lovely glossy finish and dries faster than Seche Vite.
Honestly, it just works for me. There are no complaints.

Nail Magic Fast Dry Top Coat.
I received this as a promotional item at my job and decided to try it the last time I painted my nails.
I enjoyed this product quite a bit, it dries very quickly, and I have not experienced any chipping at all, just tip wear.
The only complaint I have about it is the very peculiar scent it has. It's rather disgusting. No nail polish product smells GOOD, but this is just unusually.... bad. But I can accept it because it works well.
In general I use two coats of any top coat I use to make sure that it's even, and I have my nail thoroughly coated.
Hopefully this was helpful for you!
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